About Me

Personal Details

Here's some more info obout me.

About Me

I started in the programming world in 2016 because of a game called Runescape, I wanted to learn how to make my own server and play with friends. My steps in this world of programming were self taught, because I just saw it as fun, and it was like that until 2019 when I had the opportunity to participate in a research in the area of stellar astrophysics using Python in college.

That was the moment I fell in love with data science

How long have you been practicing Python?

I discovered Python in mid-2017, used it for games, however, 2019 is when I really started to get into it and look at it with different eyes

I have experience in building Visualization with Plotly or ApexCharts, treating data with Pandas, creating Python Packages and deploying them to PyPi

Do you have any experience working with databases?

At the start of my research, I had to learn how to use SQL to query the database and extract the data I needed. I also had to learn how to use MongoDB to store the data I was collecting.

In my present job, I use especially BigQuery and MySQL to query the data to create the dashboards and reports.

What frameworks do you know and like?

There are some frameworks that i like to use, such as:

Flask, Django and BotCity in Python

NodeJS in JavaScript